Category: Data Analytics

VBA Macro to Split Single Excel file into Multiple Excel Files basis any row count

Dear Readers,  A strong command in MS Excel is one of must have skill for every professional but an expertise in VBA is a lifesaver. Recently, I encountered a common situation where a platform had a limitation of accepting excel files with no more than 1000 rows. This […]


Yes, its true, It is time to forget Vlookup, Hlookup, Index-Match as Microsoft Excel is now fully loaded with XLOOKUP. This best in breed function is called XLOOKUP as it can do Cross lookup (*vertically as well as horizontally). Here is the quick syntax: =XLOOKUP (lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, […]

How to Count Distinct in a pivot table?

Hello Learners, Today, I am going to talk about a handy and simple Excel formula which can help you count distinct values in a pivot table. When we create a pivot table and look for field values options we can see that we can summarize values by Count, […]

VBA Basics – Part 1

Dear Readers, VBA stands for Visual Basic for Applications an event-driven programming language from Microsoft. The Birth story of VBA VBA was derived from Visual Basic. The story of the birth of VBA began in 1991 when Microsoft partnered with Alan Cooper from Tripod under the project code named as “Ruby“. Microsoft decided […]

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